A virtual yoga studio offering mindful
and sustainable vinyasa practice.

Yoga wherever you are.

Francesca Cervero is facing towards her desktop computer which has 8 video boxes of yoga students. Francesca's hands are in front of her as she instructs the class through yoga poses.

Stillness + Movement yoga classes are taught on Zoom where your teacher can see you, offer you support and suggestions as well as alter their own language, cueing and sequencing to meet the needs of the class.

Classes are taught with mostly verbal cues, so you don’t have to watch the screen the whole time and are able to turn your attention inward and be inside your own practice.

As teachers, we adjust ourselves so we can meet our students where they are and give them what they need.

Francesca Cervero sitting in a chair and talking. Her hands in front of her as she speaks.
A close up image of a yoga student's hand on top of cork blocks on each side of a yoga mat

Our classes weave together mindful vinyasa flow and Buddhist teachings.

We combine awareness, breath, and vinyasa with somatic practices and functional strength training to fill the movement gaps left in the way asana is often taught these days.

A yoga student in gatekeeper pose. She is kneeling on one leg with the other straight out to the side. She is bent forward and her arms are straight out in front of her on the yoga mat.
A close up image of the back of a yoga student in a twist position. Their arm is behind them with their hand on a folded yoga blanket.

Choose the level of practice that is right for you.

Everyone is welcome in all classes, but we are clear about what does and does not happen in each level so you can make empowered choices about what works best for you.

A yoga student laying on her back on a yoga mat. Her hands are placed lightly on her abdomen. Her legs are bent at the knees and leaning to the left of her body.
A yoga student on a yoga mat in child's pose.
  • I really enjoy the online classes at Stillness + Movement. They are very well taught and easy to follow. I get so much out of the classes and I really like the 45 min format in the morning. As a teacher, I can say that makes all the difference and keeps me coming back to supplement my local classes. Thank you for continuing to offer that option!

    — Cindy W.

  • Ever since I went to my first class with Francesca a decade ago, I've been hooked. In every class, Francesca guides us to rest in our spiritual center while also teaching us to move our bodies in precise ways. I am always challenged to grow stronger in my body and led deeper into the spiritual practice. I leave each class feeling grateful to be alive. Thanks to the flexibility of having the recordings, I don't think I've missed even one class in the last several years!

    — Anna

  • In her online classes, Francesca has an uncanny ability to see and support every student with their movements or positions and make individualized suggestions to help optimize the pose or protect the body. It is of added value to me that Francesca infuses every class with positive Buddhist teachings that remind me to be mindful and compassionate with myself and others.

    — Emmy

  • Francesca offers a rewarding balance of challenge and support. She mixes in just the right doses of spirituality and humor. After every class I feel both physically invigorated and psychologically calmed. Francesca's attention to detail and ability to suggest subtle shifts in poses and transitions on Zoom is amazing. I feel like I'm attending in person. "In my thirty years of yoga, no one has been as supportive and encouraging as Francesca.

    — Hugh

Join Us

A view of a desktop computer screen with a Zoom call. Francesca Cervero is facing the camera in one box and yoga students in various postures and in the other seven.

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    Stillness and Movement is a virtual yoga studio offering various levels of online yoga classes taught by experienced yoga teachers using video conferencing software. Classes are accessible and welcoming, and you can join from anywhere.

    Copyright 2024 Francesca Cervero Yoga | All Rights Reserved Terms of Service Website design by Elyse Robertson Creative LLC