A virtual yoga studio offering mindful
and sustainable vinyasa practice.
Yoga wherever you are.
Stillness + Movement yoga classes are taught on Zoom where your teacher can see you, offer you support and suggestions as well as alter their own language, cueing and sequencing to meet the needs of the class.
Classes are taught with mostly verbal cues, so you don’t have to watch the screen the whole time and are able to turn your attention inward and be inside your own practice.
As teachers, we adjust ourselves so we can meet our students where they are and give them what they need.
Our classes weave together mindful vinyasa flow and Buddhist teachings.
We combine awareness, breath, and vinyasa with somatic practices and functional strength training to fill the movement gaps left in the way asana is often taught these days.
Choose the level of practice that is right for you.
Everyone is welcome in all classes, but we are clear about what does and does not happen in each level so you can make empowered choices about what works best for you.
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Stillness and Movement is a virtual yoga studio offering various levels of online yoga classes taught by experienced yoga teachers using video conferencing software. Classes are accessible and welcoming, and you can join from anywhere.
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