Want to work privately with me? 5 spaces open for 1X1 Mentoring

Hello dear teachers.Phew. The last year has been one of huge change in my teaching and my business.Just over a year ago I left my teaching practice in NYC, with 20+ private sessions each week, for an easier and more quiet lifestyle in Takoma Park, MD. {It is a neighborhood on the outskirts of Washington, DC.}

In many ways the transition has been wonderful and easy.

I am so lucky to teach three group classes each week at a fabulous and highly respected studio, Willow Street Yoga Center.I moved into an adorable little house with my boyfriend and we built the sweetest practice space in the basement. Check it out---->house

In other ways, this transition has been really challenging.

In NYC I was seeing most of my clients twice a week. This gave my practice so much ease and stability. I knew my clients really well, and we had time to work together deeply in each session. I never felt rushed because we could always work on something on Thursday if we didn’t get to it on Tuesday. I had a long wait list of people who wanted to work with me, so if a client was traveling for an extended period of time, there was always someone else who wanted their spot.As I build my practice in a new place, I was initially surprised by how different everything felt. I expected I would rebuild a practice similar to the one I left in NYC, but that has not happened, for several reasons.One reason my new practice is different is because I am different. I have many more responsibilities outside of my private teaching practice, like writing and creating programs for teachers! Because of this, I no longer feel energized by 14 hour teaching days, seeing many different kinds of people in all different parts of the city. I used to love that, and now I don’t.I also am working with many clients who can only afford to see me twice a month. I love these students so much, and am having a blast helping them craft home practices to do between our sessions. Seeing clients twice a month, rather than twice a week, has changed the way I teach though, and I have learned a whole new way to work with private yoga students.Even after more than 11 years of full time teaching, my teaching and business has changed and grown more than ever this year:

  • I have embarked on a serious study of biomechanics and how that way of thinking can and should inform asana practice.
  • My spiritual practice has deepened immensely, as I have finally had made time to prioritize it.
  • I have learned so much about how to grow a private practice in a place that isn’t New York City.  {I knew building a practice in a smaller town should be different, but this year I got to put tactics I have been offering to other teachers into action myself!}

And I want to share all I have to offer with you...

I am, for the first time, opening five 1X1 virtual mentoring spots to my whole community.

1X1 Virtual Mentoring is usually only available to teachers who have already studied with me, but I feel called this year to open these spots up to our whole community. Once these spots are filled, I won’t open them up again until late in 2017.Do you feel unsure about how to best help your private clients? Are their needs and wants in total opposition to each other? Do you spend hours creating thoughtful and intelligent group classes only to have two students show up to class?I know that building a career teaching yoga can feel overwhelming. There are so many teachers, and there is so little monetary payout in the beginning of a teaching career. The self doubt running through your monkey mind can make it feel like teaching yoga isn’t worth all this stress!Yeeps.

But, it doesn’t have to be so hard.

I bet you know more than you think you do. I bet you have more to offer your students than you realize.

I’m guessing that what you really need is to be empowered to hear and trust your intuition. When you are more connected to your inner wisdom, your teaching will feel easier, more fun and more helpful. I bet that with the right kind of support, and a little push, you could figure out how to teach more people and make yoga teaching a more sustainable career.When you have a deeper knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and how to work with injuries you will show up to all your classes and clients feeling much more confident.When you have the skills you need to actually see your students, and their unique movement patterns, mental habits, physical needs and emotional desires, your own self doubt, stress and frustration will melt away.

Helping teachers do just that, with my signature brand of tough love, is my specialty.

I am offering 5 spots to work 1X1 with me for the next six months, open by application only.

Your Experience: What to Expect

  • No more feeling like you have to figure it out all alone...we will figure out together how to apply what you have already learned in your trainings to your real life clients and students. Your students will have an amazing experience, and bring more and more people to your business.
  • You get six months of unlimited access to me via email...it will be like taking an experienced mentor into every yoga class you teach (Something came up with your private client this morning that you don't know how to deal with? Email me!)
  • We will meet once a month for 90 minutes via video conference...this format allows us to work together, and have an intimate connection, no matter where you happen to live.
  • I only take on five teachers at a time so you can be sure you have my full energy and attention.
  • You'll get a recording of our sessions so you can be fully present for our conversations without having to frantically take notes.

Single Sessions are also available on a limited basis. Click here for more info about that.If you are ready to dive deep into the heart of your teaching practice, with a supportive mentor by your side, this is your chance, my dear.  After I receive your application I will email you about the next steps.All my love,FrancescaPs. Are you ready to invest in a mentoring relationship that will change the way you teach (and live!)? I can’t wait to read your application!


A Story Of Transformation-- {Guest Post}


How To Tailor A Yoga Practice For Private Lessons