Support for yoga teachers

Find amazing students. 
Help them create meaningful change. 
Watch your business grow!

Since 2012, Iā€™ve been helping yoga teachers build thriving yoga teaching careers

Francesca Cervero sitting in a plush office chair facing the camera and smiling, her arm draped on the back of the chair

My approach is different and is rooted in my 20+ years of teaching private yoga. I marry my extensive knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, and movement science with deep spiritual teachings, to help you create meaningful change in the lives of your yoga students - and build a yoga teaching business you love.

Hereā€™s how you can work with me:

A close up image of Francesca Cervero looking slightly away from the camera and talking into a large microphone.

1:1 Mentoring Sessions

There is so much information out there telling you ā€œbuild your business this way!ā€ and ā€œthis is the path you should take!ā€ - where do you even start? In this 1:1 call with me, weā€™ll figure out where youā€™re really stuck and create a personalized path to a sustainable yoga teaching careerā€¦that you will love.

A cropped, close up image of yoga teacher Francesca Cervero with her hand on the hip bone of a yoga student. The yoga student is laying on their back with their leg in the air assisted by a yoga strap.

The Science of the Private Lesson

Teaching yoga one-on-one requires a different skill set than teaching group classes, but these unique skills are left out of most teacher trainings. In this online course, modeled after my popular in-person training, I guide you in the science of teaching private yoga sessions and provide you with the support and knowledge to gain the confidence you need to make the income necessary to maintain a sustainable yoga teaching career.

An over-the-shoulder view of Francesca Cervero teaching a virtual group yoga class over Zoom at her desk.

The Mentor Sessions Sangha

Building a yoga teaching business can be hard, but you donā€™t have to go it alone. The Sangha is a private, online community (not on social media) where you get access to monthly live Q&As with me and other experts, weekly yoga classes, workshops, and support from other yoga teachers growing right alongside you.

Tune in to the podcast

The Mentor Sessions Podcast

An image of an iPhone and earphones with The Mentor Sessions Podcast with Francesca Cervero podcast episode open on the screen.

With amazing guests or solo, I explore the craft of teaching yoga, as its own practice. Iā€™m seeking answers to the questions about why we teach something the way we do, how we could be more expansive and inclusive in our teaching, and how we can continue to grow and evolve in our teaching practice.

Join me as I offer nourishing support to help you feel more confident in your teaching and realistic strategy to help you find more clarity on your career path.

Listen to my most popular episodes:

Start Here!

Start Here!

3 Steps to Teach Better Private Lessons

A view from slightly above of Francesca Cervero at her desk with desktop computer, a large notebook on a stand, and her hands adding a sticky note to papers laying on the desk.

Sign up for the free mini video training series

And learn how to keep your private yoga clients coming back for more!