Please don't mistake self criticism for the "work"

I know that desire to produce more, offer better, get stronger, be useful, make shit happen.I know it well.That desire to make a meaningful life and look happy/skinny/smart/rich/relaxed while doing it used to wake me up like 5,000 demons every morning.I love working hard, producing good content, being a supportive friend, offering deep teachings, and oh, did I say working hard? {I really love hard work...}So if you feel like that too, trust me, I hear you.But please, learn from my example if it is useful.

When you are “working hard” because you don’t feel like you are good enough otherwise, any awesome contribution you make to the world will carry that feeling of lack with it.

When you are creating, producing, helping, and improving because of 5,000 angry demons pulling you out of bed every morning, you are going to burn yourself out really quick. {Just listen to the girl who had a decade of disordered eating and two major hip surgeries under her belt before age 24...}

Growing up, maturing,  and deepening our self awareness and practice IS work. And a lot of it.

But please do not confuse self-criticism as doing your “inner work”.

Remember that perfectionism is another form of procrastination.

And get to work.The good kind.The kind that involves recognizing and allowing what is most true for you right now.You’ve heard me say before, “The deepest self care practice is the one in which you consistently hold space for yourself, and recognize and allow what is.”And I’m saying it again so that you really start to hear me.Please don’t beat up on yourself, and think that will make you better tomorrow. It won’t. It will make you tired. {Tweet me...}

Please stop wasting your own time {and everyone else’s} by being hard on yourself and calling it self-improvement. The world needs what you have to offer too much to waste your energy hating yourself.

So get to work please. The good kind.Share with me my loves:: Am I alone in this? Or anyone else have 5,000 demons waking them up every morning telling them to be better?


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