An inside look into a session with one of my REAL private clients {VIDEO!}

Hi loveys...As you read this, I am deep in retreat mode with my teacher Sara Avant Stover in Thailand. This is a retreat I have been so looking forward to, and quite desperately need. {Sun, yoga meditation, no internet...not even any reading allowed....!}These past few months I have been working incredibly hard, and making myself super vulnerable, all with the intention of serving you....Today, I invite you to watch this short video that will give you a sneak peek into a free video training series I am releasing in January.Screenshot for Dec 2 emailIn July 2014, I had a filmmaker come in and film an entire session I taught to one of my private clients.  I edited that footage into three videos and I'll be sending them to you {if you’re on this special list}, totally free, in January!  It is the most vulnerable thing I have ever done in my teaching career. On that sticky July day, as I was walking down 6th Ave with the camera following me, I was filled with anxiety. I was nervous on so many different levels. I was worried about protecting the student who would be filmed with me, I was worried about creating something useful for the yoga teachers {you guys!} who would eventually watch the video, and I was worried about myself. How would I look on camera??Mostly, I was worried about how my teaching and my way of being would translate into the medium of a video. Would it still be me on the flat screen of a computer? I was regretting having taken on this project at all.And yet....There are so few resources available for teachers that show how to teach private lessons in a way that is meaningful for the student and sustainable for you, the teacher. I knew this would be a great opportunity to share my work with you all. It was worth pushing through my fear and discomfort to create a resource that would be meaningful and helpful for you.This training series will be useful for you if:

  • You want to see what private teaching can and should look like.
  • You want to teach more private clients.
  • You feel depleted from running all over town teaching tons of group classes.
  • You feel drained from teaching the private clients you do have.
  • You want to teach meaningful, useful sessions for your clients in a way that feels sustainable for you.

The first video will be released on January 13th, but I need your name on this list now, to make sure you don’t miss it! {We’ll be taking a little break in December...}With warm, sunny, deeply quiet love,


PS. When you sign up to receive this free training series, you'll also be the first to know about The Science of the Private Lesson:: Online Program that I'm launching in February of 2015!Questions?  comment below and either myself or a member of my team will get back to you right away!


That thing you've always wanted to do? Just f’ing do it. {My best advice for a happy and full life.}


How and Why Using Personal Language with Your Private Yoga Students Changes Everything