Hi! It's nice to meet you!

I’m so glad you’re here!  If this is our first time meeting, I have a lot to catch you up on so here is the quick introduction to me and my work:

I have been a full-time yoga teacher since 2005. My teaching is inspired by my foundational training with Cyndi Lee, the years I spent as a dancer and the subsequent years I spent in physical therapy. My teaching is influenced by both a study of Buddhist teachings and a constant curiosity about anatomy and biomechanics. 

I am in private practice teaching a full schedule of private clients, I mentor yoga teachers in The Science of the Private Lesson™, I’m the founder of a virtual yoga studio Stillness + Movement and I host the podcast, The Mentor Sessions: Support & Strategy for Yoga Teachers.

I've spent most of my career teaching around 20 private yoga sessions each week. 

I did this for YEARS before I created The Science of the Private Lesson™ to help other yoga teachers feel more steady and confident when teaching yoga students 1x1. I’ve also created lots of free resources for yoga teachers that cover simple nuances to help you teach better private lessons. 

Check out some of those resources here:

The Teach Better Private Lessons Video Series:

  • Video One is all about how to create a sacred space for yoga, even in less than ideal conditions.
  • Video Two is all about how to engage in the kind of dialogue with your private students that will help you teach lessons that are more meaningful for them.
  • Video Three will give you some ideas about how to manage the business of yoga like a professional and have consistent, steady income you can count on!

I also talk about things like The Case for Teaching Without Demonstrating, my super serious hip injury ( I walked with a cane for the first two years I taught yoga!), How To Change The Way You Teach Without Losing All Your Students, and I like to offer creative movement ideas to reinvigorate your teaching, like this sequence here!

On that note, I’ve pulled together 15 video sequences to prepare students for downward dog and you’ll find them in another email I’m sending your way soon! 

I’m the founder of a virtual yoga studio, called Stillness + Movement.

At Stillness + Movement we offer sustainable, mindful vinyasa flow classes to help students find steadiness and ease in their bodies and minds.  Most virtual yoga is taught by a teacher who is on their mat, unable to hear or see their students, but that is not how we teach at Stillness + Movement! We feel we can offer the most help to students if we can actually see them, so we teach with primarily verbal cues and do only limited physical demonstration.

We weave vinyasa flow movement practices with Buddhist teachings because we love the way sustained movement and deep presence complement each other.  Our classes combine awareness, breath, and vinyasa with somatic practices and functional strength training to fill the movement gaps left in the way asana is often practiced in the west. We would love to have you in class,! You can check out the schedule right here.

I host a podcast for yoga teachers called The Mentor Sessions: Support + Strategy for Yoga Teachers. 

Most of the podcast episodes are interviews with visionaries, experts and thought leaders in the yoga education space. Sometimes I hop on the mic solo to share my thoughts about teaching yoga online or avoiding burnout with intentional boundaries and self care routines. Even more rarely I share an intimate view of my own life and teaching.

Some of our most popular episodes:

Phew! That is a lot of content to catch up on, huh? Don’t worry, none of it is going anywhere so just save this link and revisit any of these videos or podcast episodes when you find yourself needing a little inspiration, okay? 

I hope that me, my work, and my community feel like a soft place for you to land when you’re in need of a little support on your yoga teacher path! I’m so happy you’re here, and I’m sending you lots of love.


Yoga Practice at Home: Cultivate Your Calm and Ease the Winter Blues


{video} My Online Teaching Set Up