There is no quick fix, but there is hope and possibility...

There is no quick fix, no magic formula, and no “right” way. You know that already. I just wanted to make sure you heard me say it too.

I get to work with and hear from many new teachers who want to learn The Science of the Private Lesson. There are many specific and unique skills that are required to do meaningful and deep work with private clients, and that allow you to build a thriving private practice. Many of those skill are tangible actions you can take into your teaching right away.

There is also a second peice that is just as important, but takes a bit more time. I hope to inspire the teachers who study with me to move forward in their teaching career with clarity and confidence, and that requires quite a lot of time and inner work. I also empower teachers to listen to, trust, and act on their intuition and that is not a simple item you can cross off your to-do list.

I recently had a sweet, talented, and brand new teacher email me {in a bit of a panic}  to ask for advice. She currently has two private clients who are really enjoying their work with her. She has asked them for referrals several times, but nothing has come of it. She hopes to one day have 20 to 30 private clients and was wondering if that was in anyway realistic. I thought my response to her might be helpful to you all:

I do think it is possible to grow a private practice to 20+ clients, but it will take some time. As you just finished your teacher training you are at the very beginning of your path! I did build up a thriving private practice, but it was several years after I did my first 200 hour teacher training before I was teaching only private clients. Now is the time to deepen your own practice, strengthen your anatomy knowledge, and be patient. You also want to make sure you are not hounding your current private clients too much {I'm sure you're not!}.
As you deepen and strengthen your teaching chops you will start to learn more about which populations you resonate best with. Are you also teaching group classes? I would recommend it! I would actually recommend teaching group classes anywhere and everywhere you are offered. The more you teach the more you will understand who your ideal clients actually are, so you can be sure you are connecting with them effectively. You might want to read this blog post I wrote on the topic of marketing for yoga teachers, and check out the marketing teachers I recommend there.

If you are a new teacher and are anxious to build a career teaching yoga, hear me say this: I totally hear and understand your strong desire to spend your days and your life teaching yoga! I know how powerful this practice has been in your life and I know you have much to offer the world. Just like in everything though, there is no quick fix, no magic formula, and no “right” way. You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other on your path. Stay strong. The world needs the unique teachings that only you can offer.


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