{video} What Are The Best Practices For Sustainable Private Yoga Business?

I get many questions like this, and this one was so clearly written and encompassed many of the business questions teachers ask me. Things like:

  • What are the best practices for creating a financially sustainable private yoga practice?
  • Should I save income from a full-time job and use that as the start-up and operational capital, should I acquire a business loan from a formal entity, or do I need a partner that is willing to support me financially while I grow my practice?
  • I want to teach yoga privately for a long time, and I don't want things to flounder because I started in a direction that was built to fail...what should I do?

After you watch the video let me know what questions you have and I will do a follow up series if folks would like!


{video} Try This At Home Teaching Tip #1: Try a Non-Traditional Arc


{video} Alternate Bookend Series: Ink Print Exercise