A Mid Year Check In-- What’s Hot, What’s Not

I’m really grateful for you.

 I LOVE when you reach out to me tell me what’s “up” for you in your teaching. I am also sooo appreciative of your presence in my Facebook group, Elevate. I’m so proud of the way we raise questions and ask for + offer support, all without drama. Witnessing some drama go down in another yoga teachers group prompted me to text a friend and say,“People LOVE to be right and have other people be wrong. I’m so over that. I feel like this is all I teach about these days. Get Over Yourself // 'It’s All Shades of Grey' is going to be the title of my first book! HA.”Wait, are you not in Elevate, my online community just for yoga teachers?? Get over there! We have the smartest, most supportive yoga teacher community on the internet. In  my humble opinion. :-) And in the spirit of sharing some of my very humble opinions, I thought I would share a fun Mid Year Check In; in the old school style of a What’s Hot, What’s Not List.

What’s on your Hot / Not List right now?



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