58: All About The Shoulder with Diana Zotos

The shoulder is a notoriously complex and even injury prone joint, but we don’t have to be afraid of it!  Today we have Diana Zotos, our resident Physical Therapist, joining us on The Mentor Sessions to dive into everything yoga teachers need to know about the shoulder! 

Diana is the co-founder and co-director of Threes Physiyoga Method™ which is dedicated to teaching yoga teachers applied anatomy and kinesiology, and bridging the gap through advanced teacher training between yoga teachers and the healthcare industry.  

Check out our first conversation in Episode #25 all about women’s pelvic floor health and how that relates to yoga practice and yoga teaching.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • an overview of all the bones that make up the shoulder, including a deep dive into the scapula

  • a description of the many joints that actually make up the whole shoulder complex

  • the over AND underuse issues that come up in yoga practitioners

  • some things that yoga teachers can do in class to encourage healthy and full use of the shoulders

  • a quickfire Q+A about rotator cuffs, thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder, sore serratus anterior and overused trapezius muscles 

Learn More From Diana:

  • On her website

  • On Instagram

  • Want to see videos of shoulder Threes Phyisyoga X Method Mindful PTexercises that Diana mentioned in the podcast? Sign up here to be the first to know when the Mindful PT Store is open! 


59: ROM, Neuroscience + Yoga with Garrett Neill


57: Building Strength with Kathryn Bruni-Young