67: Evolving as a Yoga Teacher - A Live Mentoring Session

Today you’re going to hear a live, unedited 1x1 mentoring session! 

I love connecting with teachers in 1x1 mentoring sessions because I get to listen deeply to the challenges they are facing and together we troubleshoot solutions to their biggest teaching conundrums. While the questions we ponder might seem small, I have seen, again and again, how holding space for teachers to think critically about their teaching can have a significant impact. Supporting teachers in being in compassionate inquiry about their teaching practice transforms not just their teaching, but their careers and their lives.

I invited Mary Reddinger to join me on the show today because she is super smart and asks great questions!  She has been a part of my teacher’s community for a long time, and took The Science of the Private Lesson™ with me last year.  She has been teaching since 2018, but she teaches seven group classes and four private clients each week and she speaks about teaching like someone who has been teaching much longer! 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • what I recommend teachers do to help connect with private students when we don’t see them consistently

  • the best way to work with students who have particular pose goals in mind, especially if that goal pose doesn’t seem appropriate 

  • If we should communicate changes in our teaching priorities to our students, and if so, how and when

  • some advice about “finding a niche” in your teaching (and why my recommendation is a little different from most!)

I think this conversation will be super useful for all you teachers who are wondering how you can grow and evolve in your teaching even more skillfully!


68: Teaching Yoga in Corporate Settings with Samantha Harrison


66: An Intro to Low Back Pain with Jesal Parikh