95: How To Use Fascial Slings and Whole Body Cueing In Your Teaching (PLUS: The Biopsychosocial Model!) with Kearsten Lyon

I have a special treat for you today! I’m going to introduce you to one of my own teachers, Kearsten Lyon! Kearsten (she/her) is the founder and owner of an extended health care clinic called Total Movement Therapy based in Toronto, ON and sees clients virtually all over the world. Kearsten has been working and teaching within the Pilates and Rehabilitation Therapy industry since 2011.  She utilizes a unique blend of Pilates, The Oov, Franklin Method, Movement for Trauma, traditional strength and conditioning exercises, client education and client–directed tissue release work in each session with her clients.

In working with her I have learned so much about the human body, my own movement patterns and most especially I’ve had my eyes opened to some of my movement blindspots and biases. It’s been incredible, for me personally and for my teaching! 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • what is important for teachers to think about when they’re integrating ideas from different movement frameworks

  • all about Whole Body Cueing and how can yoga teachers incorporate that into their teaching

  • a deep dive into fascial slings and why they are important to think about when cueing movement

  • a conversation about uncovering some of my own unconscious  movement biases 

  • a little bit about the biopsychosocial model and how can we incorporate that into our yoga teaching

Resources Mentioned:

Note:  Toronto Movement Therapy is in the middle of a small rebrand to become Total Movement Therapy as their reach has become global over the pandemic.  This rebrand will be complete by September 2021.

OfferingTree is a proud sponsor of this episode and I am honored to be an affiliate.  Visit OfferingTree at www.offeringtree.com/mentorand you’ll get 50% off your first three months (or 15% off any annual plan).   OfferingTree supports me with each sign-up and I’m proud to be supported by a public benefit company whose mission is to further wellness 


96: The "BEST" way to teach twisting movements!


94: What Compelling Marketing Looks Like with Mado Hesselink