20: How To Teach An Open Level Vinyasa Class- LIVE MENTOR SESSION

Today you’re going to hear a live, unedited 1x1 mentoring session! I have been planning to do an episode like this since I started producing this show and this is the first opportunity I ‘ve had to finally record one!

I love connecting with teachers in 1x1 mentor sessions because I get to listen deeply and troubleshoot solutions to their biggest challenges.  I wanted to record a 1x1 mentoring session (like the ones I have with people in my online training and in my Virtual Mentoring Program) with someone that I hadn’t worked with previously. I’m so excited to invite onto the show today Sarah Kowalski, a yoga teacher from Philadelphia.

Sarah has been teaching since 2014 and each week she teaches five group classes and two private clients. Sarah loves teaching private lessons because she is able to tailor the practice directly to her students needs. She’s starting to wonder how she could better help the students in her group classes in a more specific way without throwing out her carefully crafted plan every week.

In today’s session we talked:

  • about how to teach better open level group classes

  • how to know what to teach and when to teach it

  • how to create a framework for your classes when the studio you teach at doesn’t specify the curriculum that should be taught

  • how to really teach within the context of a vinyasa flow class

I think this conversation will be sooo useful for all you teachers who teach open level group classes and are wondering how you could do that more skillfully.To learn more about my  co-host, Sarah Kowalski, visit her online home and on Facebook.  Sarah is hosting a workshop on May 19, click here to learn more about it.

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21: How To Teach Private Clients Who are Yoga Skeptics


19: Integrating Spiritual Teachings Into Asana Classes