80: An Evidence-Based Approach to Mindful Movement with Jenn Pilotti

The human body is a beautiful and complex system, and people who teach movement always have more to learn! When the scientific concepts of motor control, proprioception and the science of learning itself are integrated into the way we teach movement, they can have significant impacts on mental health, chronic pain and the processing of trauma. 

Learning about these topics can be overwhelming though, so we are lucky to have Jenn Pilotti with us because she is an expert in an evidence-based approach to mindful movement. Jenn has been teaching movement to people of all ages and abilities since 2003. She is passionate about helping people feel comfortable, strong, mobile and capable in their bodies using concepts rooted in science and she has a special interest in the effect of movement on mental health: specifically on anxiety, chronic pain and trauma. She implements techniques from a variety of disciplines, including yoga, strength and conditioning, Feldenkrais, dance, gymnastics and Natural Movement. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how a fixed mindset might show up in our yoga teaching 

  • all about body maps and how they might impact our student’s movement habits

  • the difference between proprioception and kinesthetic awareness and what yoga teachers can do to increase both in our students

  • a deep dive into motor learning and the three phases that take place as a new movement or skill is practiced

  • a conversation about the power of language and how to incorporate more inquiry-based cueing into our group classes

  • about some fun ways to use Jenga blocks in our teaching! 

Learn More From Jenn:


81: Yoga In India + Yoga In The West with Arundhati Baitmangalkar


79: Embracing Yoga’s Roots, Studentship and Anti-Racism Work with Susanna Barkataki