128: Neurology Is The Missing Link In Movement Education with Missy Bunch

The brain and the nervous system play a HUGE role in how we integrate sensory information, experience pain and create movement patterns but this topic is not often covered in foundational yoga teacher trainings. That is why I’m so excited to introduce you to Missy Bunch (she/her), a multi-certified movement therapist who has been educating and coaching for over 14 years.

As a young professional dancer, she battled many injuries over her career and one day she found someone who studied neurology (the study of the brain and nervous system). After one session with this person, her 4-year knee pain was completely gone. She knew she wanted to teach this approach to the world.

The importance of brain function and using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” movement patterns, decrease pain and increase performance, has led her to teach and create lightning-fast improvements with people from all walks of life. Her specialties include injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, joint mobility and decreasing pain, holistically. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • a deep dive into assessments, including how to cue them and what are we looking for when we reassess

  • what it means to move into a shape “reflexively”

  • how can we work with the brain to decrease pain

  • the role of the nervous system in integrating inputs and creating motor output

  • all about the opposing joint theory and how to use it with 1x1 students

  • an overview of cranial nerves and how and why to stimulate them

Resources Mentioned:


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