110: Q+A, Taking Time Off, Hamstrings, Continuing Ed + More!

I’ve been collecting your questions over the last few weeks, and I’m so happy to share this Q+A episode with you today! (It’s an off-the-cuff, casual vibe. I think you’ll like it!)

In this episode I’ll answer questions like:

  • How do you work with plantar fasciitis?

  • How do we work with our students’ injuries when we think some movement might be helpful, but a doctor has told our student to stay away from movement?

  • What happens to our classes and our students when we take an extended period of time off?

  • How did you plan for and manage your maternity leave?

  • What is the best way to recover from a hamstring injury?

  • How are you balancing your teaching/work schedule with being a new parent?

  • How do you make time for/organize continued education and study in relation to your teaching?

This Episode Is Sponsored By Offering Tree

It is almost essential these days that yoga teachers have an online presence, even if it is minimal. But many yoga teachers are going beyond having a simple website and are now hosting their own online classes, or selling digital yoga class libraries. If you are one of these teachers, then I’m wondering... do you have a patchwork of software solutions eating up your time, energy and earnings? 

If you do, I’m excited to tell you about our partner, OfferingTree. They are  an all-in-one software for your yoga teaching practice. With an Offering Tree site you can host your membership or on-demand library, post your class schedule, send emails directly to students, and take easy payments - all in one spot.

OfferingTree plans start at just $22/month, and I’m excited to partner with OfferingTree to offer The Mentor Sessions listeners a special discount! You can get 15% off an annual plan or 50% off the first three months by heading to OfferingTree.com/MENTOR


111: Planning A Beginner’s Series with Dara Madigan


109:  The Ten Things Saving My Life Right Now