78: Injuries + Teaching Yoga with Monica Bright

If you’re a yoga teacher who’s had to teach while working with an injury, this podcast episode is for you! Or if you see the same injuries over and over again in your students, there are tons of nuggets of wisdom here for you too.  Monica Bright is a master yoga teacher in the areas of anatomy, self massage, injuries and recovery strategies. She is also currently teaching full time while recovering from her own shoulder injury. She has a wealth of knowledge to share based on both study and personal experience and I can’t wait for y’all to learn from her! 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • all about the shoulder injury Monica is working with, including the diagnosis, therapy and interventions she’s had and how her recovery is going

  • how her current shoulder injury has impacted her teaching

  • the injuries Monica most commonly sees in her students and how she works with those injuries in class

  • the injuries that are more prevalent in people who’s only form of exercise is asana and the kinds of modalities she recommends they add into their movement practice

  • advice for yoga teachers who are currently working with an injury

  • why it is so important to let our students have their own experience and a framework to do that consistently

Learn More From Monica:


79: Embracing Yoga’s Roots, Studentship and Anti-Racism Work with Susanna Barkataki


77: Letting Go of Alignment (And What To Teach Instead) with Derek Cook