84: The Power of Pranayama with Mirabelle D'cunha

Pranayama is incredibly rich practice because breath is a powerful vehicle to explore our most intimate relationship, the one we have with ourselves. I’m really excited to introduce you to my friend Mirabelle, because studying and teaching the intricacies of pranayama is a great passion and expertise of hers! I was lucky enough to have a private pranayama lesson with her in the fall and it was a beautiful experience. 

Mirabelle D'cunha (she/her) supports committed yoga lovers to savour the luxury of inner experience and find purpose, pleasure and joy in life through breath. She provides a loving space for them to unplug from urgency, into deep trust and allowing. Her signature offerings are Sadhana Club - an online sanctuary that brings grace, clarity, and community to yoga teachers and practitioners - as well as her Radiant You private mentoring program for healing through breath.

Mirabelle is in an intimate relationship with yoga as a breath-ing experience and has been on the path of living yoga for 19 years, studying with swamis and teachers from the Sivananda Saraswati lineage and at Mumbai University. Mirabelle has taught at yoga ashrams and studios in India, the USA, Canada, Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands and is a guest teacher in yoga teacher trainings on pranayama, bhakti yoga, and the deeper nuances of yoga as a living practice. She has also been a speaker and panelist for Yoga Alliance. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • how much of Mirabelle’s teaching came to focuses on pranayama practice

  • why Mirabelle works with the nuances of anuloma viloma only and doesn’t teach other pranayama practices

  • the effects Mirabelle has seen in students who dive deep into their pranayama study and practice

  • the difference in the attention on pranayama in the west and in India

  • what Mirabelle sees as the burial of this limb of yoga and the repercussions this has on the practice of meditation

  • how Mirabelle recommends pranayama teaching could be more comprehensive

Learn More From Mirabelle:


85: The Trans* Yoga Project with M Camellia + River Redwood


83: A Teacher Owned Co-Op with Shamina Rao + Elizabeth Barnett of The Connective