29: The Power of Simple Teaching Guest Teacher Sarah Capua

Have you ever taken (or taught!) a yoga class that was simple in sequencing but deeply powerful in its effect on you? Maybe you love teaching and practicing yoga in a simple way but you feel like you are the only one? Do you think that all your students want fancier, faster and more exciting asana classes?

Whether this describes you or not, I am so honored to introduce you to my old NYC buddy Sarah Capua.

Sarah is a yoga therapist and meditation teacher, a student of Buddhism and classical yogic practice, and a caregiver. The heart of her practice is rooted in the tradition of T Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar, who emphasized individualized practice and believed that yoga should be adapted to foster self inquiry and personal transformation. She also studied meditation and Buddhist teachings with Michael Stone, as well as contemplative caregiving at the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, where she trained as an end-of-life doula. She lives in Beacon, NY and is currently in post-graduate training in chaplaincy under the supervision of Zen Buddhist Reverend Trudi Hirsch.In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What it means to embody our practice in our lives.

  • How we can let our practice and our values guide our decisions in how we structure our classes.

  • Specific examples of the ways we can use our personal spiritual practice to guide what we teach.

  • The deep power in simple teaching and how to offer simple classes confidently.

Learn More From Sarah:

  • Visit her on Instagram.

  • Check out her website here.

  • Learn about her mentorship program here.


30: Expanding Your Lens with Guest Teacher Crystal McCreary


28: Hip Injuries and Yoga with Guest Teacher Ariele Foster