70: Yoga, Human Rights, and Accessibility with Jivana Heyman

I’m really grateful to bring you this interview with Jivana Heyman, the founder, and director of Accessible Yoga because his voice and leadership is SO needed right now. Jivana has specialized in teaching yoga to people with disabilities with an emphasis on community building and social engagement. Out of this work, the Accessible Yoga organization was created to support education, training, and advocacy with the mission of shifting the public perception of yoga.

Over the past 25 years, Jivana has led countless yoga teacher training programs around the world and dedicates his time to supporting yoga teachers who are working to serve communities that are under-represented in traditional yoga spaces.

In this episode we cover:

  • how Jivana’s early experience as an AIDS activist informs his teaching today

  • the relationship between Accessible yoga and human rights

  • what practice looks like when it expands beyond the physical

  • creative ways to adapt postures so they work for many different bodies

  • accessible versions of sun salutations

  • positive changes happening in the yoga world

Learn More From Jivana:


71: Where Do We Go From Here? With Jesal Parikh + Bryn Chrisman


69: Teaching Yoga Online