26: What Real Body Love Looks Like With Guest Teacher Anna Guest-Jelly

I heard my friend Anna say, “telling students to love their body is not enough....” and I responded with, “please be a guest on the podcast so we can talk about this!” I wanted to ask her, “How can yoga teachers better support their students to be in a loving relationship with their body?”

Anna Guest-Jelley is the founder of Curvy Yoga, an online yoga studio and teacher training center that helps people of all sizes find true acceptance and freedom, both on and off the mat. Anna is the author of Curvy Yoga: Love Yourself & Your Body a Little More Each Day and the co-editor of Yoga and Body Image: 25 Personal Stories About Beauty, Bravery & Loving Your Body.

In today’s podcast episode Anna and I talk about:

  • What Real Body Love looks like for her right now.

  • Anna’s favorite practical ways to take care of herself.

  • How Anna’s yoga practice changed her relationship with her body.

  • How teaching yoga changed her relationship with her body in a different way.

  • The kind of language that’s important to keep in mind to make sure group yoga classes are inclusive for people in all bodies.

Find out more about Anna at her website, and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram!


27: Yoga in a Clinical Setting with Guest Teacher Lara Benusis


25: Yoga and The Pelvic Floor with Guest Teacher Diana Zotos