27: Yoga in a Clinical Setting with Guest Teacher Lara Benusis

Today on the podcast we get to learn from the wisdom of Lara Benusis, a pioneer in translating yoga into hospital environments. She was the first full time yoga instructor at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where she developed their in-hospital and outpatient wellness offerings. A certified yoga instructor since 1996, Lara is currently an advanced masters student in Applied Physiology at Columbia University and is focused on exploring the efficacy and mechanisms of exercise and yoga on the survivorship of cancer.

On this episode you’ll hear about the research she has been doing on yoga within the cancer community including how are those studies designed, how they implemented and what are they are finding out.You also hear:

  • Some of the most surprising research Lara has come across so far.

  • Some things to keep in mind when teaching yoga in a clinical setting.

  • How yoga teachers can take care of themselves to ensure a long career.

Listen in to hear all about Lara is bringing yoga into a clinical, medical setting!You can find Lara on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.  To learn more about Lara's Yoga Research Club, a group for yoga teachers who are interested in reading research, visit Facebook group here.


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